7 innocent decisions
7 innocent decisions that are damaging churches7 innocent decisions that are damaging churches in the long run. I’m closing in on over 25 years of working in and with churches. Along the way, I’ve seen many amazing ministries. I have a lot of conversations...
7 things that could have changed our visit
7 Things that would have changed our visit… Visiting a church for the first time is nerve racking.If you missed PART 1 of this blog read it here. 7 Things that would have changed our visit… Over the past year, we have known this was coming…Our son would graduate from...
Searching for a church should be easier
HELP PEOPLE FIND YOUR CHURCH Finding your church should be easier...Searching for a church should be easier... Over the past year, we have known this was coming…Our son would graduate from High School and move off to college. I could write a lot about this but I will...
7 Things Your Church Website Must Have
7 Things Your Church Website Must Have Building a website and making sure everything is on it can be complex and time consuming. There are so many different events, ministries, and information to make sure that are on your website, that too often we leave off or...
12 ways to invite people to Church
12 ways to invite people to Church One of the primary reasons every church exists is to share the Gospel and invite people to join His kingdom. The church is meant to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. In order to do that two things must...
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Leading a healthy and growing church is hard, and seminary probably didn’t prepare you for the real-world issues you’re facing. Get access to insanely practical courses.
Does Instagram make you feel…Overwhelmed by new changes…Unsure of what to post or when…Confused how to reach people for Christ with Instagram…Clueless about the latest features…